As you're probably aware I'm off on my trip tomorrow. I've mentioned briefly in tomorrow's post that I was going to bring these babies along with me but I thought I'd go into more detail as they're amazing! Raybans are so classic and they'll never go out of style. I chose the Large Gold Aviator's * as they go with most of my travel outfits! They're not too big and not too small and are so cute. I know in Asia you can pick up fake Raybans for 10 a penny, but nothing beats the real deal in terms of quality and durability! I wear Sunglasses all year round (Sunshine permitting obviously) so I never see Sunglasses as just a Spring/Summer Accessory! Smartbuy Glasses have a huge selection of Sunglasses and have pretty much any shape and any size that you'd ever want along with a number of different designers all at pretty reasonable prices. I'd definitely take a peak if you're suffering some January blues and want something to look forward to wearing when the Sun comes back.
*Indicates a gifted Item